CYNERGY THOUGHTS: A Reminder for the Holiday

The holidays are often about over indulgence. We spend much of our time over eating, over drinking and over spending. January hits and we are racing off to the gym to work off the extra helpings of turkey, we are resolving to skip the $5 coffees to help get our budget back on track and we are doing whatever else comes to mind to make ourselves feel less guilty about enjoying the festive season. 

I say stop the insanity. 

I am not suggesting that you take a devil-may-care attitude and recklessly go crazy with your shopping, eating and drinking habits, but I am suggesting that you allow yourselves to enjoy what the holidays can offer….great conversations with family and friends, food filled with traditions and the opportunity to make memories that you will cherish forever. 

If the holidays consist only of cocktail parties and big dinners, you can try and create opportunities that are inexpensive and keep the calorie consumption in check. Plan a skating party, volunteer with your family and friends, or be a snow angel and surprise one of your senior neighbors by shoveling their walks. 

When January rolls around, instead of criticizing yourself for having fun, try to recall the stories you shared over dinner. Look through photos of the fun family and friend events you enjoyed and remind yourself what the holiday season is really all about. 

Just a thought! 




CYNERGY THOUGHTS: What are you waiting for?